The fear of the British peasants of brexite!

"We cannot survive without EU agricultural subsidies!"


How much the population is intimidated with dubious arguments is shown by the example of British farmers. Ten days before the referendum, they fear the brexite because they think they are dependent on EU subsidies.
"Without these funds, we can't keep our farms any longer".

At the same time, this fear is completely inappropriate and transforms the decline to date. After all, didn't accession to the EU mean that the British, too, hadn't courtyard inheritance really begun to take hold in the first place?
There is therefore hardly any doubt: after leaving the EU, most British farmers would be much better off - they could do without the humiliating, dependent EU subsidies.
Incidentally, agricultural subsidies do not fall from the sky, they are not a gift of God. Rather, they are raised by the taxpayer through an expensive, complex pay-as-you-go system. A large part of the food price is therefore paid by the consumer not directly at the point of sale, but to the tax office.


Without the EU, the British government could save agriculture in no time at all!
Even without subsidies!

After a brexit, the British government would only need to set guaranteed prices - in combination with a quota system that also reverses the concentration process in agriculture.
For example, dairy farmers could be granted a guaranteed price of 45 cents per litre (a price that is automatically adjusted once a year to take account of inflation). The farmers would thus have a secure livelihood, could be able to plan again in the long term, would not have to fear a drastic drop in prices and would not constantly fear for their livelihood.



Market economy does not work for perishable food!

Anyone who has read my trilogy "THE CAPITAL" or my numerous treatises on the Internet knows me as a strict advocate of the market economy.
However, even a market economist like myself must admit that the basic principle of supply and demand cannot work with perishable foodstuffs. If you have to quickly remove perishable goods, you're in control. That is why state-specified guaranteed prices are needed in this area. And high import duties that prevent foreign dumping of the domestic market. In this way, in the interests of animal welfare, it would also be possible to restrict intensive livestock farming and the use of antibiotics and pesticides.


Do these measures not make foodstuffs more expensive?

Superficially yes, but not in truth. Without the many billion-dollar subsidies, the milk price will presumably rise to 90 cents per litre - and the kilo of pork fillet will no longer be available for 7 euros. However, what has to be taken into account in the balance sheet are the subsidies that the state saves.
A family of four will probably have to spend 100 euros more per month on food. In return, however, it also saves about 140 euros in taxes and social security contributions for subsidies. Pensions and social security benefits will of course be adapted to the new circumstances.

Ultimately, the reduction of subsidies increases efficiency!
After all, you save enormous amounts of bureaucratic effort (not only with the authorities, but also farmers will have to fill out fewer forms and applications).
In principle, subsidies, even if controlled by superintelligent superhumans (which is usually not the case), lead to false incentives and misdirection. Subsidies are the crass opposite of a market economy - they are to be equated with an inefficient planned economy.


EU withdrawal would be the best thing that can happen to farmers.

Social politicians like to declare in their sunday speeches how much they represent people who "work hard and follow the rules". But looking at the situation in agriculture, however, it is clear how unrealistic these hollow alibis are.

Farmers are fighting for their livelihoods all over Western Europe and not just since today, but for 50 years. Many farmers work with their family members for an hourly wage of less than 5 euros. And our politicians look bored, let it happen.Social welfare benefits are constantly being increased, the minimum wage raised - but farmers are fed off with alms, often live on substance, work to the point of falling over until one day they end up going bankrupt and losing house and farm to major investors.

And then EU politicians fanatised their peasants, saying that without the European Union they would be lost, they would have no chance. What impertinence! With their perfidious deception, they often get through because they are massively supported by the media.
The intimidation of farmers could be decisive in the forthcoming referendum, the deliberate panic might help the powerful EU lobby to an undeserved victory.

PS. As far as the majority of freelancers, small and medium-sized enterprises, workers, employees and pensioners are concerned, they too are similarly unsettled and teased. They, too, are being made to believe in the advantages and necessities of stupid propaganda.


Do you know him?
What does a German farmer do if he wins a million euros in the lottery?
Answer: He strives for another ten years.


Excuse me!
There is no equality of opportunity - even when it comes to forming opinions. While the capital (corporations, speculators, lobbyists, media, governments) can afford the best translators, I have to settle for a simple language program for financial reasons. I hope, however, that the text is nevertheless reasonably understandable and that no major mistakes have occurred. Thank you for your understanding.
Manfred Julius Müller, 24939 Flensburg (Flensburg has approx. 90,000 inhabitants and lies on the German-Danish border)


My websites are absolutely non-partisan and independent!
They are not sponsored by state institutions, global players, corporations, associations, parties, unions, aid organizations, NGOs, the EU or capital lobby, hyped by google or influenced by the cancel culture movement! They are also free of advertising and fees.

Background and analysis:
German Political Encyclopedia: independent & non-partisan
Do doctored statistics and state propaganda form the basis of our democracy?
Poverty research: Which countries with high birth rates are really doing well?
The infiltration of democracy by the Cancel Culture movement …
The nasty tricks of the anti-democrats!
Causes and consequences of global economic crisis
In Germany wages have been falling since 1980. Why?
Germany: The brazen proclamation of skills shortage!
Globalization: the ignorance of the facts
The political and economic consequences of an brexit An analytical consideration from German view.
"We have to explain Europe better!"
When will the Dexit? (the withdrawal of Germany from the EU)
The rule of law becomes a laughing stock

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© Manfred J. Müller, Flensburg, Dezember 2012, Nachtrag Mai/Juni 2016

Manfred J. Müller has been analyzing global economic processes for 40 years. He is considered a pioneering thinker. For example, 20 years ago he called for a kind of supply chain law that obliges manufacturers and dealers to only import fairly remunerated and produced goods to Germany (finally became law in May 2021). He has also long recommended a minimum profits tax for large companies on domestic sales (Joe Biden's proposal for a global minimum profits tax in spring 2021 is finally moving in the same direction, but is far too lame and will hardly be implemented internationally). Manfred J. Müller has also been fighting for his idea of wage cost reform for three decades (gradual reduction of social security contributions with counter-financing through value added tax and customs duties).


Through decades of brainwashing, the corporate lobby has succeeded in making radical ideologies a matter of course!
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